I've spent the last couple of weekends at my teenage daughter's basketball tournaments. Game after game and team after team I witness coach after coach praise and criticize their players with extreme enthusiasm. The typical response from the players regardless was, "yes, coach."
Now I am not advocating for this type of military respect for authority in the workplace (although sometimes it would help). No, instead I was most impressed with these young lady basketball players' ability to take extreme criticism with poise and calm amidst frustration. They did not get upset, they altered their course according to direction, and they never lost sight of their goal.
Whether are not you like sports is not what is important, but rather how the ability to learn how to take praise AND criticism in the face of pressure in order to reach a goal is critical to success in the workplace.
I've taken my share of tongue lashings in the workplace. I've given a few as well. At times I do not agree. At times I would prefer to walk out or yell back - or quit. At times I was wrong. But - but, the goal stays the same.
The company has chosen you to do your part. Take your praise and your criticism with nothing more than a "yes, coach." Vent when off the court or out of the office. Adjust if need be, change course if need be. Never lose sight of the goal.
This takes time. I am still learning how skill. The teenage athletes have me beat.
Now I am not advocating for this type of military respect for authority in the workplace (although sometimes it would help). No, instead I was most impressed with these young lady basketball players' ability to take extreme criticism with poise and calm amidst frustration. They did not get upset, they altered their course according to direction, and they never lost sight of their goal.
Whether are not you like sports is not what is important, but rather how the ability to learn how to take praise AND criticism in the face of pressure in order to reach a goal is critical to success in the workplace.
I've taken my share of tongue lashings in the workplace. I've given a few as well. At times I do not agree. At times I would prefer to walk out or yell back - or quit. At times I was wrong. But - but, the goal stays the same.
The company has chosen you to do your part. Take your praise and your criticism with nothing more than a "yes, coach." Vent when off the court or out of the office. Adjust if need be, change course if need be. Never lose sight of the goal.
This takes time. I am still learning how skill. The teenage athletes have me beat.
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