Tuesday, January 22, 2019

If you can't articulate your thought, then does it even exist?

You've heard the saying, "if a tree falls in a wood but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Well, does it? ...OK, now read on.

I believe that the same conceptual argument applies to articulating thoughts and ideas. So, if you have a thought or an idea but can't articulate it, does it even exist? Well, does it?

I would say no, it does not.

Your thought or idea is like that lone tree falling in the woods. A tremendous fall with no one around to hear, doesn't make a sound (or perhaps makes a sound but, is not heard). Just like a tremendous idea, with no one around to adopt, to leverage, or to drive, does not exist.

There are numerous articles and books written about ideation. There is no shortage of books and articles espousing processes on how to spark the creative process. Read those but, do not stop there. Make sure you read the books, articles, and blogs that explain how to best convey your idea.

This all reminds me, I had a pretty neat thought pop into my head just now. Wanna hear it? Once you hear it, then it will become real.

PS - A great book I would recommend on how to communicate and sell your ideas/thoughts is from a professor I used to work with, John Daly at the University of Texas, at Austin. Advocacy: Championing Ideas and Influencing Others.

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