Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Experts and Coaches

I have been coaching children's soccer for 17 years. Each season there is a parent that is a soccer expert. They played in college, devoted their life to the game, or just have watched it on TV - a lot.  Inevitably, they question my coaching, the drills at practice, or just yell instruction from the sideline - a lot. They are an expert.

Now don't get me wrong - I love having expertise to pull from, however, the expert typically does not take in the bigger picture: all of the players' individual strengths, the conditions of the fields, the other teams' styles, and the overall style of play that fits the team best - this is the coach's (manager/leader) job.

Keep in mind the next time an expert is in your ear (or your face), and remember that teams can benefit from the advice and consultation of an expert, but not at the expense of the team overall. More importantly, the team needs a coach to stay on course, to stick to the strategy, to see that bigger picture.

Your company needs both - which one are you?

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