Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Coaches, coach.

Have you ever been on a sports team where the coaches only meet with each other? They never come to practice - only make after-practice speeches once per week. They might show up at game time - yell at the players during the game - and talk with each other about why they can't win. They point fingers at each others' individual teams - they blame - they judge. They agree that the they just need new players.  The game ends - they lose again.  The coaches meet...again.

The players are lost.  The players are trying to make it work. The on-field captains turn on each other. The rookies are oblivious. The veterans are frustrated - looking for other teams to play on. The experienced players stay unhappy.  

The team can't win. They can't win. You won't be able to win.

Coaches. Please coach. Care. Be concerned, not about the game plan - but those that play the game. Care about those that execute the game plan. Truly care. See that they are in good shape, that they are rested, that they have as little stress as possible, that they are focused, that they care for and respect their fellow players.

With this - and with any game plan - you, we, I will win. 

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