Monday, January 9, 2012

Chutes and Ladders

Chutes and Ladders by Hasbro
Chutes and Ladders is the self-proclaimed game of rewards and consequences.  I know you remember this game. Now, Chutes and Ladders is not just a board game for children, but also what many days in the office feel like…rewards and consequences. However, taking random spins of a wheel and rolls of dice are risky gambles that lead to those rewards and consequences. In other words, some things you can control, and some things you cannot.

Some days and weeks you are moving things forward, climbing those ladders - then, all of a sudden - you are sliding down..down..down, sometimes back to the beginning. This "sometimes up, sometimes down" system of rewards and consequences is the inevitable world we live in.  Sometimes, as it relates to the business world, even more so.

So what should you do when that roll of the dice gives you a chance to climb that ladder? Climb it. What should you do when that same roll ends up sending you tumbling down that slide? Tumble with grace.

No one will remember how many ladders you climbed or how many chutes you tumbled down.  They will only remember that you kept going, you kept rolling the dice, you kept moving forward...and you achieved what you set out to achieve.  Be it little or small. Congratulations! You win.

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