Friday, October 14, 2011

Where is my flying car?

It is almost 2012. I thought we were supposed to have flying cars by now.  Kids were supposed to be playing on hover boards. What happened?

If you look at science fiction illustrations of the mid 20th century you will see rockets to space, flying cars, teleportation, and time machines. It seemed transportation would be the next big thing. We were going to have to learn how to fly cars now.  I remember seeing cartoons of people in flying cars, using rotary phones. Funny thing about that is that transportation was not the next big thing, it was communication.

So no flying cars, instead we have the internet, smart phones, fax machines, you can finish this list. Now if we would have ended up with those flying cars (etc) instead, we would have had to have learned new methods and refined skills in transportation. Does that mean that we took the time to learn new methods and refined skills in communication? Have you?

Now that you have the ability to communicate with anyone, anytime you want, have you learned how to better articulate your thoughts/ideas/emotions?  I am not talking about text message shorthand and email etiquette. I am talking about your responsibility and your charge with truly living in the age of communication. Shakespeare said that "all the world's a stage."  Now you have your own stage - take advantage of it - learn to be good at it.

Please be a responsible diver (communicator).
Please drive (communicate) safely.

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