Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The climb or the view?

Do you like the climb or do you like the view? This question could apply to mountain climbing, but I’m talking about the ascension to your dream job, destination position, project success, (insert desired outcome here). 
With the right amount of ambition, you can enjoy both.  However, if you immediately answered the view, I have some bad news. You still have to climb to get to the view. That climb can be treacherous. You will be faced with much risk, sometimes taking leaps of faith. Your willpower will be tested, and you might not want to go on.  It is not supposed to be an easy climb.
Now if you did answer the climb, then extend a hand, give advice and help others along the way. Experienced climbers help the less experienced. Rookie climbers, tie yourselves to a veteran and hold on tight (and learn how to climb).

Don't get me wrong, I love a great view as much as the next person, but there is only one way to get there.  The mountain is still looming over us. I love a good challenge, I mean climb...I'm lacing up my climbing shoes. It won’t be easy. Who's with me? 

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