Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Do you know who your protégé is?

I have spent a lot of time in my career considering who might be (or is) a good mentor to me. I, like most people I know (and you), are usually looking upwards -considering who you want to have as your mentor. Considering who might help your career the most, and/or who might offer the best advice. Considering whose protégé you want to be.

However, as your career ascends, you also might become that person that people want advice from. That person that people want as a mentor and to help them with their careers.

Based on that, how many times do you ever consider who you might want to mentor - or a better way to put it would be; who would you want to be your protégé? Do you know how many even might want your mentorship? It could be many. It could be none...

I've always said that self-awareness is key. Stop just looking up for yourself and look around - in all directions. Please do not assume that because you have a certain title or specific years of experience that your advice and mentorship are wanted or valued. Be a responsible and aware veteran in the workplace.

Help people, don't criticize. Earn respect, don't demand it. Lead by example, don't be a hypocrite. Your future protégé is out there and she, or he, is looking for you and will greatly appreciate it.

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